If you have extra sensitive skin, please consider the following when using GoBe3:
- We do not recommend applying moisturizing cream, cosmetics, or oils to the part of your skin covered by the sensors.
- After working out or spending time in the water, wipe the inner surface of the band (the part that comes in contact with the skin) as well as your wrist to avoid irritation from accumulated moisture.
- We do not recommend wearing the band if the skin area under the sensor is marked by tattoos, scars, inflammatory changes, or other serious skin surface damage. All the factors listed above may lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.
- Skin irritation may also be caused by an allergic reaction to the band’s materials. You can see what materials GoBe3 is made of at https:/https://support.healbe.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040988431/
To avoid burning, itching or irritation of the skin, or in case such a reaction has already occurred, we recommend cleaning the sensor of the device with alcohol wipes at least a few times a week, especially after any physical activity. To clean the sensor, you can use surfactant dishwashing liquid or liquid soap: apply a small amount of liquid on the sensor, rub it lightly (you can use a q-tip), then rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth or paper tissue.
Normally the itchiness or burning sensation would pass shortly after cleaning the sensor.
If you have any questions, please email us at gobe@healbe.com We will be happy to help you!
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