How does GoBe measure my stress?
Stress is a body’s reaction to positive or negative events pushing one out of comfort. A Stress reaction is a natural mechanism of adaptation to any changes, not necessarily caused by an emotional state. It can be provoked, for example, by a time-zones change or a hard work during the day. The more stress we are under, the more resources our body spends. When resources are used up, the body cannot recover on its own causing excessive stress. This is followed by tiredness, insomnia, focus deficit, decreased efficiency, and many other negative effects.
Can I see my stress level on the GoBe display?
Stress level can be viewed only in the app.
Stress Levels
We classify 5 levels of Stress intensity:
- Safe. The stress is almost absent. Negative effects are hardly expected.
- Light. This level of stress is safe for the body. You can feel changes in your emotional state (mood swings are likely).
- Elevated. The most common level of stress in everyday life: work-related stress, driving, studying. Starting from this level, stress can accumulate and have a negative impact. Continuous Elevated Stress can cause emotional tension, focus decrease, and tiredness.
To get rid of the continuous Elevated Stress’ effects, it is important not to make the situation worse – moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, and good sleep will reduce the impact.
- High. The negative impact of High Stress accumulates faster than from lower Stress levels, especially without having more rest. Focus and efficiency decrease. Severe fatigue appears.
In case of continuous High Stress, it is crucial to avoid getting used to this condition, which can happen if you stay in High Stress for more than one day. Such Stress decreases much slower and consumes body resources faster. A long High Stress is a good reason to reconsider your schedule: free up as much time as possible for rest and take care of your health.
- Very high. An extreme level of stress. It can lead to a nervous breakdown, hormonal disorders, depression, and other health issues.
If after a good rest the level of Stress stays Very High, it is recommended to visit a doctor. It is also highly recommended to pay attention to your daily schedule and diet, include more physical activity, and have a good rest.
To determine the Stress impact on your body over a day or week, use the Accumulated Stress value. Accumulated Stress is the overall time spent at Stress levels that drain your body’s resources, which can cause a various range of negative effects and accumulate.
HEALBE GoBe starts to count the Accumulated Stress beginning from the Elevated level. This level of Stress often accompanies our daily activity. Continuous Elevated Stress level affects our body much more than short-term High or even Very High Stress. This happens because Stress spends our body’s resources, even if it is unnoticeable. If a body is already weakened by daily Stress, it may react to High Stress as if it was Very High Stress.
We recommend you to analyze your Accumulated Stress on a daily basis to understand how much rest your body needs and to track your progress in stress management.
If you have any questions, please email us at We will be happy to help you!
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