We're sorry you experienced an issue with your GoBe3. First, please try resetting your device to factory defaults:
1. First, please make sure your device is charged: plug it into its charger and let it charge for 30 minutes or more.
2. Without disconnecting GoBe from the charger, take a paper clip and press the button inside the small slot (it looks like a small hole) in the center part of the USB plug (please see the attached picture). Press the button (you should feel a brief “click” of the button) and hold it for 5 seconds.
The device's display will change the screen from "Resetting..." to "HELLO" and then to "WELCOME... Connect the app to start". The name of the device will be reset to the factory's default name "GB3_XXXX".
When you connect GoBe3 with the app, you will be prompted to enter a new PIN code and install firmware update.
Please note, any data which has not been synced with the app, such as recent meals or steps, may be deleted during the hard reset, with no ability to recover it.
If resetting GoBe3 did not help, let the device fully discharge (you will see only a black screen when the battery is drained). Let it rest discharged for at least 6 hours and then put it back on charge.
If this also did not help to get rid of the "service 004" error, please email us at gobe@healbe.com and we will replace your device.
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