We're sorry you experienced an issue with your GoBe3! Let's try troubleshooting it.
First, please check if the green lights of the heart rate sensor are blinking.
Next, please try the following steps:
- Connect your GoBe to charge and let it charge for some time;
- long press the screen.
Normally, the display should wake up once connected to the charger. However, if the above did not help, please try to do a hard reset.
To perform a hard reset of your GoBe3, please take the steps below.
1. First, please make sure your device is charged: plug it into its charger and let it charge for 30 minutes or more.
2. Without disconnecting GoBe from the charger, take a paper clip and press the button inside the small slot (it looks like a small hole) in the center part of the USB plug (please see the picture below).
You should feel a brief “click” of the button, after which the device will restart showing you the “HELLO” message on screen. This indicates the device was reset successfully.
Please note, any data which has not been synced with the app, such as recent meals or steps, may be deleted during the hard reset, with no ability to recover it.
After the reset, please check once again if the green lights of the heart rate sensor are blinking and if they do, let us know.
If resetting the device doesn't help, as a final step, please, leave the device for 3-4 days and let it discharge completely. After that, put it on charge again. The display should activate then.
I hope these recommendations are helpful! Please let us know the result.
If you have any questions, please email us at gobe@healbe.com We will be happy to help you!
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