We're sorry you experienced an issue with your GoBe3! First, please review the information below on the features of the Q-touch algorithm.
In general, the touch sensitivity level of the band (Q-touch sensitivity) is set so that very light, accidental taps won't be detected. Fuller-pressure taps with your fingertips are required to wake it.
For example, if you place your hand over the band and hold it there, the touch sensitivity level will automatically decrease after 30 seconds, and as such, the band may not react to touch for 15 to 30 seconds until the touch sensitivity level is restored.
The touch sensitivity level may also be lowered if you swim for a long time in the pool, wash the band, or if a substance such as moisturizer, liquid, oils, etc., have gotten onto the band and been left there for more than 30 seconds.
If you sleep and keep your hand wearing them band under your head or pillow, Q-touch may also take 15 to 30 seconds to recover.
If you quickly make a large number of "long" gestures (swipes or long taps), leaving very little delay between your gestures, the touch sensitivity may also decrease. It is recommended to keep some time interval between clicks, preferably at least 0.5 seconds.
If you have removed the band from your hand and do not touch the impedance electrodes, Q-touch sensitivity is reduced by three times to save power and avoid disturbing you. In this case, gestures will no longer be recognized.
Keep in mind that pressing with a single fingernail will not be detected. You may encounter this difficulty if for one reason or another you have irregular fingernails (you play guitar or work a lot with a soldering iron, for example). In such cases, your fingernails may be very dry and touch may not be perceived by the device. In this case, it is desirable to tap the display with the pad of your finger, assuming normal fingerpads.
Remember also that the glass of the band's screen is covered with a protective oleophobic (oil-repellant) coating to repel oils and allow easy cleaning of the screen. Therefore, we recommend you only use fabrics dipped in water to clean the band screen. Do not use detergents containing alcohols or solvents, and do not wipe the screen with prepackaged wipes, because these products may contain alcohol which can remove the protective layer.
Here is in a link with the video - how to navigate between the screens. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gBKDyy9QDKTyqIpplU3j43IcWB3eJDsa/view?usp=sharing
If considering all of the above information you still experience issues navigating the screens, we suggest trying to re-calibrate the Q-touch. Please follow the instructions below.
1. Perform a hard reset of your device by following the instructions below.
a) first, please make sure your device is charged: plug it into its charger and let it charge for 30 minutes or more;
b) without disconnecting GoBe from the charger, take a paper clip and press the button inside the small slot (it looks like a small hole) in the center part of the USB plug (please see the picture below).

You should feel a brief “click” of the button, after which the device will restart showing you the “HELLO” message on screen. This indicates the device was reset successfully.
Please note, any data which has not been synced with the app, such as recent meals or steps, may be deleted during the hard reset, with no ability to recover it.
2. Re-calibrate the Q-Touch by taking the steps below:
a) carefully unplug GoBe3 from the charger trying not to touch the display or the sensor, put the band on your wrist and fasten the strap to a comfortable position;
b) make about 10 random touches and swipes, which are common for you, on the display; this will help the software to memorize the movements specific for you.
Once done, the screen will unlock and you can continue using your GoBe3!
We hope these recommendations are helpful!
If you have any questions, please email us at gobe@healbe.com We will be happy to help you!
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