What is a Smart Alarm?
A smart alarm is a function that will prompt you to wake up during the REM-sleep phase which makes waking up easier.
What is REM-phase?
REM-sleep (random eye movement) phase is a phase when the user brain’s manner of functioning is the closest to one being awake. Also, it’s the phase during which the user dreams. GoBe2 recognizes your REM phase based on accelerometer and piezo sensor readings, which detect your body movements and heart rate.
How do I set up a Smart Alarm?
If you are already own the device, to set up a smart alarm, from the main dashboard in your Healbe app click the wristband icon (Android) or chain link icon (iOS) in the top right corner of the screen -> Smart Alarms. There you need to set the time and select a time period during which the alarm will go off.
The Smart Alarm feature will monitor when you are in a REM-phase during the indicated time period and will go off at the end of the REM phase. This makes waking up considerably less stressful for your body.
The Quality of Sleep Alarm
Sleep Quality is a complex indicator that takes your muscle/blood flow activity (measured by the piezo sensor and accelerometer) into account, as well as your time spent actually sleepingm, and its relation to the optimal sleeping time that is set in your app settings.
You may also select a specific level of Sleep Quality. To do this, from the main dashboard screen in your Healbe app, tap Night Sleep -> Smart Alarm. Please select “Quality of sleep” and select a quality percentage you deem enough for the alarm to go off.
The Smart Alarm feature will then detect if you have slept well enough and it will wake you up when you reach the necessary quality of sleep. The wake time will be calculated automatically. This makes waking up considerably less stressful for your body.
You can learn more about the Smart Alarm feature at https://healbe.com/info_sleep/!
Please contact us at gobe@healbe.com if you have any troubles setting your Smart Alarm - we will be happy to help!
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