How does GoBe measure macronutrients?
The nutrient calculation is based on the total number of calories absorbed and what this energy corresponds to in terms of macronutrients.
My macronutrients seem off. Why is that?
The nutrients you see in the app may not reflect the nutrient value of a particular meal you might have had, because the device tracks calories received both from food and from your body’s internal stores. If for example, you did a workout and a lot of energy was released from internal stores, the app will reflect the additional carb intake and the total number of carbs consumed will be higher than you actually consumed through food on that day. If not, you may see, for example, that the app shows less protein than you actually consumed. Protein usually takes much more time to be digested and absorbed by your body.
This depends on many factors, such as the amount of protein consumed, what other foods you consumed, the speed of your metabolism, your level of physical activity, and your health condition, etc. For this reason, some parts of your meal may be digested later in the day or even the next day and you will see this reflected in the app.
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