To get the maximum benefit from sleep, and to wake up feeling well-rested, two factors are key:
- The quality of your sleep during the night.
- Your body’s sleep cycles.
The importance of sleep cycles
When you are asleep, you cycle through periods of light sleep and deep sleep. GoBe tracks your movement and heart rate to determine the phase of sleep you are experiencing. GoBe can even go one step further using its Smart Alarm feature to wake you up with a vibration during a period of lighter sleep to make getting out of bed easier, even if you weren’t able to get a full night of rest.
Sleep is cyclical - every night, you typically go through 4 to 6 sleep cycles and each cycle is characterized by one of these phases:
- REM or Rapid Eye Movement: During this period, your mind is most active, your heart rate is closer to waking levels and you are likely dreaming
- NREM or Non-Rapid Eye Movement: During this period, your mind is less active, your heart rate is slow and you are not dreaming.
During REM sleep, brain activity, breathing speed and heart rate increase. Knowing when you are in a REM or NREM phases is critical waking up feeling refreshed. Ideally, you want to wake up as close to the end of a REM period of sleep as possible to feel well-rested.
HEALBE GoBe keeps track of your sleep phases throughout the night and displays the phases of sleep and duration each morning in the app.
Anxiety While Asleep
Sleep specialists assess sleep quality by tracking physical movement during the night as well as irregular changes in heart rate. High anxiety levels impact these factors and can negatively impact the quality of sleep you are getting. After syncing GoBe with your mobile device in the morning, your anxiety levels will be displayed on the sleep graph of the GoBe app.
Sleep quality
HEALBE GoBe determines the quality of your sleep based on a number of factors including the number of times you woke up, heart rate abnormalities and sleep duration.
Although GoBe recommends a certain amount of sleep each night, if you do not get the full recommended night’s rest every night, reaching 76-90% of your goal will still ensure you are well-rested, while 61-75% of your goal is satisfactory, and 46-60% is poor.
In order to maximize the quality of your sleep each night, be mindful of the environmental factors below:
- Minimize the amount of light in the room while you are sleeping (windows, personal electronics, television, night lights, overhead light, etc.)
- Minimize noise while you are asleep
- Take time to “wind down” before going to bed and avoid looking at your cell phone and other sources of blue light immediately before bedtime.
- If you feel you are not able to get the necessary amount of sleep each night, visit a sleep specialist.
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